3 Tips To Save Tax With The Right Depreciation Schedule

21 November 2017
 Categories: , Blog

If you've bought an investment property, it's worth knowing that you can save tax on depreciation. But understanding how a depreciation schedule works can be confusing for owners who don't know the first thing about tax savings on a property. This guide shows you how you can save tax with the right depreciation schedule. A quantity surveyor is a qualified professional who will compile your depreciation schedule, which cannot be put together by your existing accountant. Read More 

The Surprising Benefits of Hiring a Professional Financial Planner

19 March 2015
 Categories: , Blog

Very often people forego the use of a professional financial planner simply because they think they don't have enough money for anyone to manage, or they fail to realize the benefits of such a professional. A person may be offered a certain retirement package through their employer and contribute to that, and then assume that this is all they need to do to plan their finances. This type of thinking is very shortsighted and can actually cost you money in the long run. Read More